Friday, July 5, 2013

Canalside fireworks

After seeing the fireworks from the comfort of my backyard, I decided to drive downtown to see the fireworks at the Canalside park. We actually parked on a street close to the park and got a good view from there. The unique part of the location was that there was an old grain mill from the 1800s that was directly in line of where they shot off the fireworks. Seeing the fireworks being silhouetted by the old grain mill gave a different perspective and the pictures reflect that. 

I used two settings on my Canon Powershot. One was the standard Auto setting. The other was the special Fireworks setting. My first picture below will be the Auto setting, followed by the fireworks setting. You will see that the surreal, psychedelic images captured by the fireworks setting is much better.



Watch the Canalside Grand Finale! Click link below...

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