Monday, October 17, 2011

Williamsville Billies football

When Joe Licata left for UB, it was thought that this would definitely be a rebuilding year for the Williamsville South Billies. Not only did Licata leave, but two great receivers and a running back also left, depleting a powerful offense.

I figured that it would not be a good year to see any of my alma mater Billies games. Boy was I wrong! Not only are the Billies still winning, 6-0 now, but they have another big quarterback who can not only throw as good as Licata, but he can also run. The quarterback is Trent Ferguson, a 6-3 junior that has all the promise of another Licata...and so much more.
Trent Ferguson releases the ball against the East Flames.

Ferguson uses is feet as much as his arm. Here he takes off towards the endzone.

Billies mix up the game with a good ground attack.

Trent Ferguson puts a tight spiral on his passes.

Ferguson hands off to his running back to runs around left end.

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